Freelance Journalist
"Ask me what I’m working on rather than sending me lots of generic press releases."
Please provide a brief introduction to yourself & the titles you write for
I’m a freelance writer and copywriter. I write shopping round-ups for places like IndyBest and ES Best, and focus mostly on kids and house and garden products. I also write travel content for outlets like Time Out, Evening Standard, the Guardian plus lots of online platforms as a copywriter, as well as hotel reviews for my family travel blog, There We Go.
Give us the inside scoop, what is your favourite part about working as a freelance journalist?
I love the variety of it. I spent years working on in-house editorial teams – from my first job as an editorial assistant on an interiors magazine, to my most recent in-house job as an editor for a travel brand. But nothing compares to freelancing, when I can be pulling together a shopping feature for a national paper in the morning, then copywriting a video script or a blog post for a household brand in the afternoon. Plus, I’ve got school-age kids, so the flexibility of freelancing is essential.
What’s the most memorable approach you’ve had from a PR (good or bad!)?
I had a PR invite me to the launch of a new restaurant once – I get a lot of those emails, but this one included free tattoos for all guests, which I thought was pretty bold. I couldn’t go, so I’m still tattoo-less.
If you could give a PR advice on what to do to get your attention and secure coverage with you - what would it be?
To make sure it’s relevant. Ask me what I’m working on rather than sending me lots of generic press releases. While I do love press releases – they allow me to search for specific products in my inbox, which I use like a giant virtual filing cabinet – there’s no point sending me a barrage of info about men’s health products when it’s not something I’m ever going to work on. And please don’t be offended if I don’t reply. My inbox is ridiculous.
What types of products and price points are you personally looking to feature?
Kids and house and garden products for shopping round-ups, and any price-point goes – but value for money is key. I’m always keen to hear from travel PRs, too, both UK and overseas.
Tell us about the best press event you have ever been to!
After interiors I moved into travel writing, and went on some amazing press trips. My favourite was a visit to Clinique La Prairie – an exclusive clinic and spa next to Lake Geneva in Switzerland. The clients are so A-list they arrive in blacked-out cars and can’t be named. It was like another world, and the setting was incredible. I had three days of back-to-back treatments and felt amazing at the end of my stay, although the coffee detox almost killed me.
Tell us something fun that people don't know about you!
I’ve got a first-class degree in contemporary dance. Not your average route into writing!
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